

Chinese Herbal Medicines最近发表了一篇有关肉苁蓉寄生率高低与其寄主梭梭种质遗传多样性关联分析研究成果,该工作由中国医学科学院药用植物研究所、北京自然博物馆和新疆维吾尔自治区中药民族药研究所等单位的研究人员共同完成。肉苁蓉是国家二级保护植物,也是我国名贵中药材之一,主要寄生在同是国家二级保护植物梭梭根上,但其寄生率很低且寄生机理暂未被解析,人工种植产量低,难以满足市场需求,寻找高亲和性的寄主种质资源是提高肉苁蓉寄生率和产量的重要途径之一。然而这方面的研究鲜有报道,本研究从我国5个梭梭自然分布区收集了98份梭梭种子。采用AFLPITS法进行遗传多样性分析,同时通过田间试验考察不同产地的梭梭寄生肉苁蓉的差异。结果表明我国梭梭自然居群具有较高的遗传多样性,所有居群主要分为3个聚类,短期内没有灭绝风险。田间寄生试验研究表明内蒙古种群寄生率最高,其次为新疆甘家湖保护区种源。本研究明确了梭梭在中国的遗传特征,并给出不同梭梭居群对肉苁蓉寄生的亲和顺序,为发现高亲和性寄主基因及培育肉苁蓉高寄生率寄主新品种奠定基础。

Parasitic relationship of Cistanche deserticola and host-plant Haloxylon ammodendron based on genetic variation of host

 Liang Shena,b, Rong Xua,, Sai Liua, Chang-qing Xua, Fang Penga, Xiao-jin Lic, Guo-qiang Zhuc, Cai-xiang Xiea, Jun Zhuc, Tong-ning Liud, Jun Chena,


a Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Science & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100193, China

b Beijing Museum of Natural History, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, Beijing 100050, China

c Xinjiang Institutes of Traditional Chinese Medica and National Medica, Urumqi 830002, China

d Ningxia Yongning Plantation of Herba Cistanche, Yinchuan 750100, China

*Correspondence: rxu.implad@foxmail.com (R. Xu), jchen@implad.ac.cn (J. Chen).


Abstract: Objective: Cistanche deserticola is a famous and endangered medicinal plant that is parasitic upon Haloxylon ammodendron with rather low parasitic rates. It is important to find high affinity germplasms for increasing the survival of C. deserticola. However, little is known in genetic variation and high affinity populations of H. ammodendron in China. Methods: In this study, 98 accessions of H. ammodendron seeds were collected from five regions covering almost the entire natural distribution of H. ammodendron in China. Their genetic variations were analyzed using AFLP and ITS by the maximum parsimony method, and a dendrogram was constructed using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA). The parasitic rates of C. deserticola on different accessions of H. ammodendron were calculated in the field experiment. Results: Both AFLP and ITS methods consistently revealed that there was a high level of genetic diversity in the natural populations of H. ammodendron. Hierarchical population structure analysis uncovered a clear pattern that all populations were grouped into three main clusters, and eight populations from eastern region were genetically clustered together. These regions were significantly differentiated (P < 0.05), 13.10% of variation occurred among populations, and 86.90% within populations was revealed by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). The populations of Inner Mongolia had the highest parasitic rates followed by Ganjiahu Reserve and Yongning Plantation for the top three, which were not completely related to the genetic variation. Conclusion: Genetic characteristics of H. ammodendron in China were clarified and the order of affinity of different populations was given, which were primers for discovering high affinity germplasms.


1 本研究98个梭梭样品的采集地点分布图




3 肉苁蓉与不同产地的3年生梭梭进行田间寄生率试验



Liang Shen, Rong Xu, Sai Liu, Chang-qing Xu, Fang Peng, Xiao-jin Li, Guo-qiang Zhu, Cai-xiang Xie, Jun Zhu, Tong-ning Liu, Jun Chen. 2019. Parasitic relationship of Cistanche deserticola and host-plant Haloxylon ammodendron based on genetic variation of host. Chinese Herbal Medicines 11 (3): 267-274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chmed.2019.04.006.