
Dear Colleagues of the National Natural History Museum of China,
Here in Paris, as the president of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), I want to congratulate you all on the inauguration of the National Natural History Museum of China. This is an important moment for the China museums community and it will be a significant event for the international museum family that brings us more potentials in professional cooperation in natural history museums.
I noticed that this museum was originally the Beijing Museum of Natural History. It has been a longstanding member of ICOM. The museum is extremely popular among the public, receiving over 1.8 million visitors in 2019 and over 700,000 during the pandemic, which is really extraordinary.
So from ICOM, we are looking forward to the opening of a much bigger venue to receive the increasing number of visitors and put its collections of beautiful specimens on display. I am impressed to learn that the museum is going to meet these needs.
On May 18, we celebrated the International Museum Day 2023. This year’s theme, “Museums, Sustainability and Well-being”, has inspired the museum community all over the world, re-affirmed our commitment to the service of society and its development and highlighted our dedication to the principles of sustainability and well-being. Natural history museums play a key role in promoting the harmonious relationship between nature and human beings and inspiring the public to embrace long term sustainability and protect the quality of the environment for future generations.
As a global organization comprising members from across the world, we actively foster collaboration and dialogue with local platforms and governing bodies. We are delighted to observe the growth and endorsement of new establishments in the vibrant city of Beijing, signifying the recognition of cultural institution as beacons of hope for sustainable development and well-being.
Museums do have the transformative capacity to shape the world we inhabit. It is our collective responsibility to unite in our efforts to create a safer and improved global community.
On behalf of ICOM, I congratulate you once again.
Ms. Emma Nardi
President of the International Council of Museums