发布时间:2010年07月15日 作者:张玉光
张玉光¹,², 张笠夫 ³,李建军 ¹,李志恒 ²
1.北京自然博物馆,北京 100050;
2. 中国科学院脊椎动物进化系统学重点实验室,北京 100044;
3.内蒙古鄂托克旗国土资源局,内蒙古 鄂托克旗 016100;
摘 要:文章记述了2008年发现于内蒙古鄂托克旗查布地区的1件查布华夏鸟(Cathayornis chabuensis)标本,也是继2002年以来在这里发现的第二件华夏鸟。该标本保存有发育完好的胸骨、叉骨等骨骼,以及部分清晰的骨骼印痕。将这些骨骼与已发表的沃氏始华夏鸟(Eocathayornis walkeri)、燕都华夏鸟(C. yandica)和查布华夏鸟(C. chabuensis)对应的骨骼进行对比分析,认为查布华夏鸟(C. chabuensis)除了同燕都华夏鸟(C. yandica)存在较大的相似性外,同时表现出较沃氏始华夏鸟(E. walkeri)、燕都华夏鸟(C. yandica)有很多进步的特征。此外,还就华夏鸟的飞行能力从骨骼的功能行为角度进行了分析讨论,提出查布华夏鸟(C. chabuensis)不仅如其他白垩纪早期的华夏鸟一样,已经具备一定的飞行能力,而是具有较发育飞行系统的善于飞行的鸟类。
New discovery and flight capability of Cathayornis from the Lower Cretaceous of the Otog Qi in Inner Mongolia, China
ZHANG Yu-guang1,2, ZHANG Li-fu3, LI Jian-jun1, LI Zhi-heng2
1. Beijing Nature History Museum, Beijing 100050,
2. Key Laboratory of Evolutionary Systematics of Vertebrates, CAS , Beijing 100044, China;
3. The Bureau of Land and Resources of Otog Banner, Otog Banner 710054, Inner Mongolia, China
Abstract: This paper describes a new fossil material of Cathayornis chabuensis discovered in 2008,from Chabu, Otog Qi in Inner Mongolia, which also represents the second Cathayornis found in this area. The specimen preserves a complete sternum and furcula with some other clear skeleton impressions. A comparison of the new material with Eocathayornis walkeri, C. yandica and C. chabuensis shows that except the similarity between C. yandica and C. chabuensis, the later one displays some more advanced characters than E. walkeri and C. yandica. Besides, the functional morphological analysis related to flight capability supports that C. chabuensis is not only capable of flapping flight as C. yandica in the Early Cretaceous, but also possesses an advanced flight system indicating a stronger flight power.
Key words: Cathayornis;shape and structure;flight capability;Lower Cretaceous;Otog Qi
图1 内蒙古鄂托克旗查布苏木鸟化石产地
Fig. 1 The bird fossil locality in Chabu Sumu of Otog Qi in Inner Mongolia
图2 新发现的查布华夏鸟(OFMB-1)标本
Fig.2 New specimen of Cathayornis chabuensis
图3 新的查布华夏鸟(OFMB-1)标本的线条图
Fig.3 Line drawing of the new Cathayornis chabuensis
图4 沃氏始华夏鸟(IVPP V 10916)的胸骨形态 Fig.4 Sternum of the Eocathayornis walkeri
图5 燕都华夏鸟(IVPP V 9769)的胸骨形态 Fig.5 Sternum of the Cathayornis yandica
图6 查布华夏鸟(BMNHC-Ph000110)的胸骨形态 Fig.6 Sternum of the Cathayornis chabuensis
表1 华夏鸟类胸骨的数据测量对比
Table 1 Measurements(mm)and comparison of the sternum of Cathayornis and Eocathayornis
Species | Number of specimens | Length of sternum | Width of sternum | Proportion (length/ width) |
Eocathayornis walkeri | IVPP V 10916 | 18.5 | 20.0 | 0.93 |
Cathayornis yandica | IVPP V 9769 | 21.0 | 16.2 | 1.30 |
C. chabuensis | BMNHC-Ph000110 | 21.0 | 17.0 | 1.24 |
C. chabuensis | OFMB-3 | 23.1 | 18.1 | 1.28 |