发布时间:2009年10月26日 作者:倪永明
赵娟娟1 欧阳志云1 郑 华1 徐卫华1王效科1 倪永明2
(1 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室, 北京100085; 2 北京自然博物馆, 北京100050)
摘 要 调查方案的详细设计是植物调查及数据分析的基础和保证。城市人类活动的干扰使城市植被强烈人工化,城市植物及绿地的独特结构决定其调查方法应该在自然植物调查方法的基础上有所调整,是城市植物研究的重要内容。目前,分层随机抽样调查法是最常用的城市植物调查方法。本文以大量文献和作者在城市植物调查的实践经验为基础,总结了国内外城市植物研究中常用的分层随机抽样调查方法,并对植物分层随机抽样调查方案设计的步骤、方法及注意事项作了系统总结并提出相关建议,综述性归纳了一套城市植物分层随机抽样调查的方案设计方法。本文将调查方案设计的主要内容分为抽样设计、样方设计和调查详细设计三大部分,其中抽样设计主要确定研究区的边界范围、面积、各级分层及辨识标准、各级分层的面积及边界以及取样量的分配方法等;样方设计的主要内容是确定取样单位和样方面积;调查设计则主要涉及具体的调查项目、调查步骤、仪器设备、调查人员分工及调查精度的客观反映标志等。
关键词 植物调查; 城市生态; 城市森林; 调查方法; 城市植被
Proposed procedure in design ing and plann ing stra tif ied random selection investiga tion of
urban vegeta tion.
ZHAO Juan2juan1 , OUYANG Zhi2yun1 , ZHENG Hua1 , XU Wei2hua1 ,WANG Xiao2ke1 , N I Yong2ming2
( 1 S tate Key Laboratory of U rban and Regional Ecology,Research Center for Eco2Environm ental Sciences, Chinese Academ y of Sciences, B eijing 100085,China; 2B eijing M useum of N atural History, B eijing 100050, China) . Chinese Journal of Ecology,
Abstract: Systematic design and planning of investigation processes is the fundamental guarantee of successful vegetation survey and scientific data analysis. Urban plants are under intense disturbance by human activities, and the resulted urban style of vegetation structure and open space composition makes the detailed planning of vegetation investigation become undoubtedly necessary. However, for such an important issue, few studies have been reported. As a most commonly used method of urban vegetation investigation, stratified random selection investigation is the topic of this paper. Based on enormous publications and practical experiences, the authors proposed the systematic processes of investigation planning, with the details and points of attention for field work of urban vegetation survey introduced. The main body of urban vegetation investigation was divided into three parts, i. e. , sampling design, p lots design, and field work details. Sampling design was mainly concerned with the boundary and size of research area, stratification rules, and distribution principles for sampling efforts; p lot design involved the determination of sampling unit and plot size; and field work details mainly involve a list of specific items to be investigated, processes to be conducted, apparatus to be prepared, staffs to be coordinated, and other details to ensure the accuracy and precision of the data and the smooth going of the investigation.
Key words: vegetation survey; urban ecology; urban forest; investigation method; urban vegetation.
发表期刊:生态学杂志,2009, 28 (7) : p1430- 1436.
项目来源:中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KZCX22YW2422) 、“十一五”科技支撑计划项目( 2007BAC28B01)和北京市财政项目首都环境生态系统安全科普教育平台建设资助项目(200820178) 。