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发布时间:2009年08月04日  作者:李建军 高立红


李建军 巴特尔 张维虹 胡柏林 高立红

内蒙古鄂尔多斯市鄂托克旗查布地区下白垩统中含大量的蜥脚类和兽脚类恐龙足迹及鸟类足迹化石。我们对这个地区的足迹化石进行了全面普查,发现许多新暴露出来的恐龙足迹化石,包括兽脚类恐龙足迹一新属新种Chapus lockleyi ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov,属于巨齿龙类(megalosaurid)所留。与兽脚类足迹保存在一起的蜥脚类足迹Brontopodus birdi分布凌乱,反映了造迹恐龙搏斗的场面。通过测量连续的兽脚类足迹可以计算恐龙的行走速度,Chapus lockleyi的造迹恐龙的行走速度为4.33km/h。通过足迹化石我们还识别出了造迹恐龙的病态特征。

关键词  恐龙足迹  内蒙查布  下白垩统

A New Type of Dinosaur Tracks from Lower Cretaceous of Chabu, Otog Qi,Inner Mongolia

Li Jianjun   Bater   Zhang Weihong  Hu Bailin   Gao Lihong

Abstract Thousands of footprints have been documented in 8 localities since the first scientific discovery of the dinosaur footprints in the Lower Cretaceous of Chabu district in Otog Qi, Ordos city, Inner Mongolia in 1981(Gao Shang-yu et al.,1981), The footprints are widely distributed on more than 500 square kilometers in Chabu area, including theropod, sauropod and bird footprints as well. We did detailed survey on the Chabu area in 2002 and 2004 and found many new localities of dinosaur and bird fooprints, among which a new type of theropod dinosaur footprints Chapus lockleyi ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov has been recognized.

Key words  Dinosaur footprints, Lower Cretaceous, Chabu,Inner Mongolia
