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发布时间:2018年04月14日  作者:黄满荣

北京自然博物馆 黄满荣

摘 要  珊瑚枝属地衣Stereocaulon incrustatum是中国的新记录种,它与另外两个种St. massartianumt和St. sorediiferum都具有多个特殊的化学小种;而地衣体缺乏黑茶渍素的情形在本属中乃是首次被发现。研究结果表明,化学成分在本属的分类中并不是很重要。St. incrustatum的衣瘿在进化上很可能是介于皮层发育不良和原囊型衣瘿之间的过渡特征。

关键词  化学成分 黑茶渍素缺陷型 中国新记录种 分类学 进化

Noteworthy Species of Stereocaulon from China Huang Manrong

Abstract  Stereocaulon incrustatum, a new record in China, and St. massartianum and St. sorediiferum have several special chemical races, and the absence of atranorin in the genus is reported for the first time. Investigation results show that chemistry is not very important in taxonomy of the genus. Evolutionally, the type of cephalodia of St. incrustatum are possibly a transition from poorly developed cortex to protosacculate cephalodia.

Key words  chemical constituents, atranorin deficient phase, new record to China, taxonomy, evolution

Mycosystema,2008 27 (1), 84-89.