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发布时间:2010年06月02日  作者:张玉光

张玉光1  李志2  刘庆国3

1. 北京自然博物馆,北京100050;2. 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,北京 100044)



Morphological Characteristic and Function of Sternum in Psittaciformes

ZHANG Yu-guang1   LI Zhi-heng2   LIU Qing-guo3

  (1. Beijing Natural History MuseumBeijing 100050China )

(2. Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100044, China)

Abstract: The anatomy of sternum is not only the main character of dividing avian, but also the major criteria to infer their flight ability and other important function. As members of climbers, the of Psittaciformes display obvious morphological characteristic, such as wide sternum with well developed sterno-coracoidal process, high sternal crest and blade-like dorsal spina. Besides, the cranial process does not fuse with clavicle and their most obvious similarity lie in the simplification of the lateral caudal notch, which located symmetrically at lateral sides of caudal sternum and fused into two apertures. In addition, the statistic analyses to variable index have been carried out aimed at 47 individual specimens in 13 families. Theresult shows that ratios (L/H, W/H) of sternal length (L) and width (W) to the height (H) of sternal crest can be used as effective inference of the habit of avian. Combined morphological study and statistic analysis, the conclusion is that the fusion and simplification of the lateral caudal notch and the ratios of sternal variable determine their lack of strong flight ability and adaptation in climbing habit.

Key words: Psittaciformes; Sternum; Statistic analysis; Structure and function

1 鸟类胸骨结构和测量术语示意图(以阿德利企鹅为例)

Fig. 1 Anatomy and terms used in measurement of sternum of Recent Pygoscelis adeliae



2 鸟类胸骨测量的术语示意(以阿德利企鹅为例)

Fig.2 Sketch map terms used in measurement of sternum of Recent Pygoscelis adeliae


           A                 B                C              D             E

3 鸟类胸骨比较 A:非洲鹦鹉B:岩鸽 C:黑枕绿啄木鸟D:绿头鸭 E:斑鸫

Fig. 3  Comparison of the avian sternums

A: Psittacus erithacus  B: Columba rupestris  C: Picus canus  D: Anser platyrhynchos  E: Turdus naumanni


4 不同鸟类胸骨变量的比率散点对比图

Fig.4 The sketch plot of sternums variable ratios of different birds
