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发布时间:2009年06月08日  作者:张玉光


摘  要   过去的一段时期以来,有关恐龙繁殖行为的研究令人产生了从未有过的兴奋,并引起了公众的极大关注。丰富的恐龙蛋(胚胎)化石的新发现为恐龙繁殖行为的研究提供了前所未有的证据。研究表明:恐龙的繁殖行为有些方面类似于鳄类,有些方面又类似于鸟类,但又不失其自身显著的特征。通过对恐龙产蛋、筑巢和孵蛋行为的研究,不仅帮助我们认识了恐龙繁殖行为的演化历史,同时也阐述了恐龙蛋的形态特征和体温调节功能。

关键词  恐龙  恐龙蛋  胚胎  繁殖行为  体温调节

Reproductive Behavior of Dinosaur:Evidence from the Egg(embryo) Fossils

Zhang Yu-Guang

Abstract  The study of the reproductive behavior of dinosaur has never produced as much excitement and public attention as in the past period. Well preserved and abundant new dinosaur fossils of eggs and embryos have provided unprecedented new evidence on the reproductive behavior of dinosaur. It is apparent that dinosaurs shared some reproductive characters with crocodilians, some with birds, but also possessed their own unique features. Thus, studies on the oviposition﹑nesting and incubation of dinosaur not only help us to understand the evolutionary history of reproductive behavior of dinosaur, but also illuminate the dinosaurian egg shape and thermoregulation.

Key words  Dinosaur, Eggs, Embryos, Reproductive behavior, Thermoregulation

