发布时间:2009年06月08日 作者:张玉光
(北京自然博物馆 北京 100050)
摘要 以捕获猎物为生的猛禽类。其跗跖骨具有:骨骼粗壮,肌肉附着槽、血管孔发育,位于同一平面的三个跖骨滑车组成了典型的“滚轴模式”,第Ⅱ跖骨滑车翼延伸变粗等形态特征。这些特征与猛禽类抓握有力、撕裂迅猛、行动稳健的功能相适应,将有利于猛禽类功能的发挥。进一步表明猛禽类形态特征与其功能之间相互协同、适应性,并以此同地栖性鸟类的“三角模式”相区别。由此可以为古鸟类依据跗跖骨的形态特征来判断其类型及栖息习性提供依据,同时对研究早期鸟类功能演化起到重要的借鉴作用。
关键词 猛禽类;跗跖骨;“滚轴模式”;功能演化
Morphological Characteristics and Function of Raptorial Tarsometatarsus
ZHANG Yu-Guang
(Beijing Natural History Museum,Beijing 100050)
Abstract The raptors lived on the captured preys and that the raptorial tarsometatarsus is characterized by robust bone, developed attachment groove of muscles and vessel foramens, typical “roller pattern” composed of three metatarsal trochleas in the same plane and stretching and thickening of trochlea limb of metatarsus II. These characteristics are favorable for raptorial function, adapted to functions of raptorial forceful grabbing, swift tearing and firm action. It indicates further relation and adaptability between morphological characteristics and functions in raptors. It differs from “triangle pattern” of terrestrial bird therewith. It thus could provide evidences for judging its types and inhabiting behaviors by characteristics of tarsometatarsal morphology of ancient bird. It could also be served for meaningful references to the research on evolution of function of ancient bird.
Key words Raptators;Tarsometatarsus; “Roller pattern”; Evolution of function
《动物学杂志》. 2004.39(6):27-32.